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Be a part of praying daily

for the student pastor search team

See below a list of prayers we'd ask you to pray in this journey


Pray for unity for the Student Pastor Search Team. Pray the team is unified in the Holy Spirit and the vision for the student ministry at Main Street. Pray that we as a church are unified in Spirit and support of the team.

Scripture to Pray: Ephesians 4:1-6


Pray the Student Pastor Search Team wholeheartedly trusts the Lord for guidance and trusts in the Holy Spirit’s leadership. Pray that we as a church trust the team's discernment and leadership.

Scripture to Pray: Proverbs 3:5-6


Pray Christ remains first in the team members' lives and their service to our church strengthens their relationship with Christ. Pray that we as a church draw closer to Christ as we seek His guidance in the future of our church.

Scripture to Pray: John 15:1-8


Pray for families of the Student Pastor Search Team. Pray for the team members as they are apart from their families. Pray that they do not become weary, but they are still able to serve and lead their families well.

Scripture to Pray: Galatians 6:9


Pray for discernment for the search team and the student pastor God will bring to us. Pray all of their hearts are prepared and guided by the Holy Spirit. Pray for our church to prepare to welcome a new student pastor. Scripture to Pray: Ephesians 5:15-16


Pray for grace for the search team amongst themselves as they seek to make the best decisions for our church. Pray that we as a church have grace with the team and the time it takes to make such a monumental decision. 

Scripture to Pray: John 13:34-35


Pray against the enemy’s attacks on the team members and their families. Pray against the enemy’s attacks

on our church and that we will continue to be focused on God’s glory.

Scripture to Pray: Ephesians 6:10-11