Church Constitution & Bylaws

 Constitution Of

 Main Street Baptist Church

Alexandria, Kentucky

The Main Street Baptist Church was organized as a Mission of the Trinity Baptist Church, Newport, Kentucky, November 1954, for the purpose of being a cooperative Baptist witness in Alexandria, Kentucky. On August 25, 1957 this Mission was constituted as a Baptist Church to the glory of God and for the advancement of His Kingdom. (see attachment A for additional history)



A.   Name. The name of the Church shall be the Main Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, Kentucky. It is a nonprofit organization incorporated under and by the virtue of the laws of the State of Kentucky.


B.    Organization. We affirm this Church is an organized body of baptized believers, equal in rank and privilege, and the authority for decisions of the Church rests in the hands of the Church members. The Church may delegate authority for certain decisions to be made by permanent or special committees/individuals, but all such decisions are subject to review by the Church as a whole. The Church recognizes no authority over it other than the Lord Jesus Christ, accepting only the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Bible.


C.  Our Purpose. Because MSBC WORSHIPS the Most High God: We will LEAD people to become disciples of Jesus…We will TEACH people toward maturity in Jesus…We will SERVE people, in the name of Jesus…We will GIVE generously our time, talent, and treasure to the Kingdom of Jesus.


The Main Street Baptist Church Covenant expresses the commitment of its members to this purpose.

The Church Covenant is a voluntary agreement by members of Main Street Baptist Church whereby they strive to conduct their lives in such a way as to glorify God and promote the ongoing of His Church. Every member should study it carefully, refer to it often and seek to live by it. The Covenant may not be used as a test of fellowship (see attachment B).


Recognizing no higher authority than the Lord Jesus Christ, this Church seeks to carry out the Great Commission through cooperation with Churches of like faith and order in the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association, the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. 


Membership of this church shall consist of any person who has made a public profession of his/her faith in Christ as a Savior and Lord and has subsequently been baptized by immersion according to the New Testament and has completed the application process as stated in Article I, Section 2 of the By-Laws.


A.   Admission:  Having professed his/her faith in Christ, a person will be received into the membership of this church by baptism, by letter, by statement, by restoration, or in absentia – all of which are described in Article I of the Bylaws.

B.    Dismissal:  Members may be removed from membership of this church by letter, by death, by personal request, or by exclusion – all of which are described in Article I of the Bylaws.




Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer which symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. It symbolizes the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in a new life with Christ. It is a testimony of the believer’s faith in the final resurrection of the dead. [See Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:1-11]



The Lord’s Supper, a symbolic act of worship of Jesus Christ to be administered with the elements of bread and the fruit of the vine, is to be observed by His church until the end of the world.  The supper is to be prepared and served under the direction of the Deacons.  It is in no sense a sacrifice but is a time to commemorate His death and to renew one’s communion with Jesus Christ through self-examination and prayer. [See Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25]                   



As declared by the Bible, Christ is head over His Church, the Chief Shepherd of the flock, and the Holy Spirit is His administrator.  It is the responsibility of the local congregation, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to appoint and ordain for itself men as Elders to lead the congregation in accordance with God’s will and to teach the congregation in accordance with God’s word.  Elders shall be characterized by the qualifications set forth in the following Bible passages:

1.     1 Timothy 5:17-19

2.     Titus 1:5-10

3.     1 Peter 5:1-5

[See also Acts 14:23; 15:2-6, 22-23; 16:4; 20:17, 28-30; 21:18; Hebrews 13:7-9,17;  James 5:14]


The office of deacon is recognized as a high and holy office, but its honor is acquired from service rather than position. It exists for the aid of the Elders, service and ministry to the membership, and watchful care and advice in the affairs of the Church. Deacons shall be characterized by the qualifications set forth in the following Bible passages:

1.  1 Timothy 3:8-13                                                       

2.  Acts 6:3-6                                                                   

[See also Romans 16:1-2; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 1:7, 4:7; Philippians 1:1]



Questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by the Constitution or Bylaws shall be decided in accordance with Robert’s Rules of order, Revised.



This Constitution may be amended by vote at any regular business meeting of the Church, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in writing to the church at least 30 days previously. Written notice of the proposed constitutional amendment shall be mailed to each church family at least two weeks before the proposed amendment is to be acted upon. This constitution shall be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in favor of the amendment. 


ByLaws Revised 2018


Section 1 – Qualifications

A person may present themselves to the church as a “candidate” for membership after meeting one of the following qualifications:  

A.   By profession of faith in Christ as Savior and by requesting and receiving believer’s baptism by immersion according to Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38-39; Romans 12:1-6.

B.    By the transfer of membership from another Baptist Church.

C.   By statement of a previous conversion experience and believer’s baptism by immersion according to Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38-39; Romans 12:1-6.

D.   By restoration upon a candidate’s request and public statement of repentance from sin which brought about his/her withdrawal from the fellowship of the Church or exclusion from fellowship by action of the church.

E.    If a candidate feels a)they cannot be baptized or b)they cannot present themselves for membership, then they shall be referred to the Elders and the Deacons for investigation and the making of recommendation to the church. Not more than 30 days shall lapse without a recommendation being made.


Section 2 – Application for Membership

A.   A positive affirmation of those church members present  or a positive affirmation by the Pastor and/or Chairman of Deacons after private meeting shall be required to accept such “candidates” for membership. 

B.    Any person wishing to join this church must meet the membership qualifications stated in Article I, Section 1 of the By-Laws and must satisfactorily complete a “Discover Main Street.”

Upon satisfactory completion of the class and with the recommendation of the class instructor, if the candidate still desires membership in this church, his/her name shall be submitted to the congregation for the vote of acceptance in a regularly scheduled Business Meeting.


Section 3 – Duties

A.  Members are expected to be faithful in all of the duties essential to the Christian life; to attend faithfully the services of the church; to give regularly for its support and its causes; and to share in its organized work and to enter enthusiastically into the church covenant.

B.  Any member who has not been to church or communicated with the church in some way over a one (1) year period and membership has not been terminated will be considered an inactive member until terminated or becomes active in church.

C.  Any member who has been inactive for two years shall be removed from the membership rolls.  The rolls of the church shall be reviewed annually by the Elders, the Church Clerk, and the Deacons. The Elders and Deacons shall contact those to be removed from the membership rolls personally, or by written communication when personal contact is impractical; they shall then return a written report to the church to be voted upon at a regular business meeting. The names of said members shall be removed from church rolls immediately.


Section 4 – Right of Members

A.   Every active member of the church is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present. Exception – if a member wishes to vote and cannot be present, this vote should be taken under consideration by the church body and voted on for approval prior to the vote tally.

B.    Every active member of the church is eligible for consideration by the membership as a candidate for the elective offices in the church under the guidelines set forth in the Bible.


Section 5 – Discipline

A.   The basic purpose of discipline shall be to emphasize to members of the church that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. The Elders, Ministerial Staff and Deacons are available for counsel and guidance. Redemptive rather than punitive action will be the primary attitude governing the relationships between members.

B.    Should some serious condition arise which would cause a member to become a liability to the general welfare of the Church, every reasonable measure will be taken by the Elders and by the Deacons to resolve the problem, in keeping with Matthew 18 and Galatians 6:1-2. All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance. Finding the welfare of the Church will best be served by the exclusion of the member, the Church may take this action by a two-thirds (2/3) secret ballot vote (see Attachment C) at a meeting called for this purpose.

C.  Any person whose membership has been terminated for any condition which made it necessary for the Church to exclude him/her may, upon his/her request, be restored to the membership by a vote of the Church upon evidence of his/her repentance and reformation. Before voting to restore such a member the church may, if it so desires, refer the matter to the Elders and the Deacons for consideration and to report back to the church with recommendations thereon.

Section 6 – Termination of Membership

Membership shall be terminated in the following ways:

A.   By transfer of letter to another Baptist Church.

B.    By death of the member.

C.   By removal from membership rolls. (see Article I, Section 3)

D.   By exclusion through discipline. (see Article I, Section 5)

E.    Upon request or proof of membership in another Church or denomination.


Section 7 – Watchcare

A.   An individual who, for valid reasons, does not wish to become a member of this Church, but desires to be under the spiritual care and nurture of this body of believers may, after consultation with an Elder and/or the Chairman of Deacons, present himself/herself to the Church requesting Watchcare association.

B.    When accepted by vote of the Church body, the individual is entitled to participate in Church functions but has no vote on issues presented to the Church; neither may he/she hold office or be elected to serve on committees of the Church.



Main Street Baptist Church will ordain ministers for the purpose of specific church related ministries under the following policy and procedures:

The ministerial candidate must submit himself or herself to the congregation at large for the approval of his or her candidacy for ordination.  This process is normally done during a regularly scheduled worship service as an act of worship.

The candidate must submit himself or herself to interviews, background checks and educational opportunities deemed necessary by an ordination council constituted by the church. [Ordination councils normally include other ordained individuals within the congregation and ordained ministers, elders and deacons from other churches with whom we are affiliated.  The ordination council is formed under the direction of the Elders.]


After approval by the ordination council, the council will recommend ordination of the candidate to the congregation at large.  Upon further congregational approval as an act of official church business, the ordination council will lay hands upon the candidate and confer ordination to ministerial work.


If at any time during the above process an individual is found lacking for any reason, he or she will be either denied ordination or asked to fulfill additional requirements to gain approval for ordination.


Main Street Baptist Church will charter mission churches as we have opportunity.  Under normal circumstances the mission church will operate under the umbrella of Main Street Baptist Church until such time as it is able to constitute as a separate entity.  Upon such constitution as a separate entity, the mission will be responsible to file its own articles of incorporation and apply for its own 501(c) (3) status. 


A. Elders

1. Selection The Deacons and Elders and Pastor(s) shall act as a review committee to seek out qualified persons (see Constitution, Article IV A. Elders) to serve as Elders.

  a. Nominations should be sought from the church of men qualified to serve in the office of Elder.

  b. The church leadership should be developing men for the office of Elder from the deacon board and other positions of servant leadership.

  c. After a time of prayer and fasting, the review committee shall submit names to the church for election by secret ballot (see Constitution, Attachment C).

  d. The review committee shall determine the number of Elders that shall serve according to the size and needs of the membership.

  e. Term of office: The Elder body will decide the length of time an Elder will serve on active duty.

2. Duties and Responsibilities

  a. The Elders are responsible to be teachers within the Church.

  b. The Elders are to provide reasonable defense of Biblical Christianity to inquirers both within the church and those without.

  c. The Elders are responsible to protect the church from the wiles and deceptions of Satan.

  d. The Elders are responsible to direct and lead the church in all spiritual matters.

  e. The Elders are to model hospitality, model right family life (marriage and children), and model upright behavior in the world.

  f.  The Elders are responsible to give an account of their stewardship of God’s people to the Great Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ.

3. Termination

  a. By resignation

  b. By exclusion by the Elder body

  c. See also Bylaws, Article I, Section 6.

B. Pastor(s)

1. Selection –Pastor(s) shall be chosen and called by the church whenever vacancies occur. The following steps outline the process to call a pastor:

  a. Pastor Search Committee

This committee shall be chosen as follows: The Deacons shall gather nominations of church members willing to serve and representative of various demographic communities within the congregation. From those nominated, the Deacons are to present a recommendation to the congregation of 10 qualified members to serve on the committee. The recommended member list is to be presented to the congregation for at least two consecutive Sunday mornings. The list of prospective members, with any amendments, is to be voted upon at a church business meeting. At least one sitting Elder shall serve on this committee. No two family members may serve on this committee nor shall current staff serve on this committee. The committee shall be responsible to encourage input from the membership as the committee conducts the search for Pastoral candidates.

  b. Election Process

The Pastor Election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose and for which at least two weeks notice shall be given.  Prayer for wisdom to choose God’s man shall be urgently made.  The Pastor Search Committee shall recommend one person at a time as a candidate for election, and this recommendation constitutes a nomination.  Election shall be by secret ballot (see Attachment C).  This puts the responsibility of voting upon each member to be present for this election, unless special arrangements have been considered (see Bylaws Article 1, Section 4).  Due to the serious nature of this vote, it shall be recommended that members age 15 and under sit with their parents; if no parents are present, it shall be recommended that these members sit in front near the moderator.  The candidate shall be duly elected Pastor by an affirmative vote of at least 80%.

2. Duties & Responsibilities –The responsibility for leading the church to function as a New Testament Church is given to the Pastor(s).

  a. The Pastor(s) shall be an Under-Shepherd of the flock (John 21:16; 1 Peter 5:1-5). He shall endeavor in all ways to promote love for each other among the membership and to declare the whole counsel of God to them in love and patience.

  b. The Pastor(s) shall be responsible for the supervision of the church staff; however, he may delegate such responsibilities as he may deem appropriate for effective organization and expedient operation.

  c. The Senior Pastor is the leader of the pastoral ministries in the church. As such he works with the elders, deacons and the staff to lead the church in the performance of its tasks: 

         1. To engage in a fellowship of worship, witness, education and ministry;

         2. To proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers;

         3. To care for the church’s members and other persons in the community.

3. Termination – Pastor(s) shall serve until his ministry is terminated by the desire of either the church or the pastor.

  a.   Pastor Resignation

    A Pastor may resign the office by giving written notice to the church.  Two weeks severance pay may be given.  The Pastor does not have the right to determine how long he may serve after resigning.  The Deacons, Personnel Team, and Ministerial Staff shall meet immediately to decide how long the Pastor shall be allowed to continue to perform the duties of the office.  If this agreeable period exceeds two weeks, additional compensation must be given.    

  b.  Church Dismissal

The Church may dismiss the Pastor for any reason.  Such action may only take place at a meeting called for that purpose.  Such a meeting may be held only after notice has been given at regular services at least one week prior to the meeting time.  The meeting may be called upon the unanimous recommendation of the Deacons or by written petition signed by not less than one-fourth (1/4) of active church members.  The moderator for such a meeting shall be selected by a majority vote of those members present and shall be someone other than the Pastor.  The vote to dismiss the Pastor shall be by secret ballot (see Constitution Attachment C); an affirmative vote of a simple majority of active church members is necessary for dismissal.  Except in the instance of gross misconduct by the Pastor removed from office, the church will compensate the Pastor with not less than one-twelfth (1/12) of his total annual salary.  The termination shall be immediate and the compensation rendered within 30 days of termination.

C.   Deacons

1. Selection – The Deacons and Elders and Pastor(s) shall act as a review committee to seek out qualified persons (see Constitution, Article IV B. Deacons) to serve as Deacon.

  a. Name suggestions shall be submitted to this committee for review and consideration.

  b. A Deacon from another Baptist church of like faith, on transfer of membership, shall be eligible to serve after being an active member for at least twelve months.

  c. The review committee shall submit names to the church for election by secret ballot (see Constitution, Attachment C).

d. The review committee shall determine the number of Deacons that shall serve according to the size and needs of the membership.

  e. Term of office: The Deacon body will decide the length of time a Deacon will serve on active duty.

2. Duties & Responsibilities

  a. The Deacons shall elect their Chairman annually.

  b. The Deacons have the authority to recommend to the church the dismissal of any officer of the church for failure to perform a reasonable service in said office. Dismissal is subject to approval of a majority vote of active members at a regular business meeting.

  c. Fully conscious of the divine purpose and duties of their work, Deacons must serve as advisors in conference with the Pastor on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the church and its members.

  d. Deacons shall seek to know the moral, physical, and spiritual needs and burdens of church members, and shall serve the whole church in relieving, encouraging and discipling all who are in such need.

  e. Deacons shall assist the Pastor(s) in serving the Lord’s Supper.

  f.  The Deacons shall meet at the call of the Pastor or their Chairman.

3. Termination

  a. By resignation.

  b. By exclusion by the Deacon body.

  c. See also Bylaws, Article I, Section 6.

D.   Ministerial Staff

1. Selection

  a. As the need arises for ministerial staff positions, the Personnel Committee will create a service description for the position.   This service description shall be voted on at a regular business meeting, being affirmed by a simple majority of active members present.  The Personnel Committee shall submit a proposed search committee of no more than 7 active church members to be elected by the church at a regular business meeting by a simple majority of active church members present.  No two family members may serve on this committee.  The Search Committee, in agreement with the Pastor, shall bring to the consideration of the Church a candidate.  Election shall be by secret ballot (see Constitution Attachment C); an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) is necessary for hiring.

  b. There may arise occasions where it is desirable to change the designation of a currently employed “minister” to “pastor.”  Such a change shall be initiated by unanimous vote of the Elders.  The motion to re-designate a current minister as a pastor shall be brought by the Elders at a regular business meeting and presented to the congregation along with a service description for the pastoral position being filled or created.  The service description shall be developed by the Personnel Committee in accordance with the directive found in Article III, Section 2, Point 2, Sub-point A (Personnel Committee) and shall reflect responsibilities in accordance with the duties of Pastor as outlined in Article II, Section B, Point 2, Sub-point A (Pastors).


Upon presentation, the new service description including the re-designation and the current employee as candidate for the position shall be voted upon at a regular business meeting by secret ballot (see Attachment C); the service description and position will be adopted and the candidate duly elected by an affirmative vote of at least 80%.

2. Duties & Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities of Ministerial Staff are outlined in position service descriptions as written and maintained by the Personnel Committee and logged in the church handbook.

3. Termination – A staff member shall serve until his/her ministry is terminated by the desire of either the church or the staff member.

a. Staff Resignation

     A staff member may resign his/her office by giving written notice to the church. Two weeks severance pay may be given. The staff member does not have the right to determine how long he/she may serve after resigning. The Elders, Deacons, and Personnel Team shall meet immediately to decide how long the staff member shall be allowed to continue to perform the duties of the office. If this agreeable period exceeds two weeks, additional compensation must be given.

  b. Church Dismissal

     Any minister may be terminated from his/her duties upon the joint recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Deacons, and the Elders. Such action may only take place at a meeting called for that purpose. Such a meeting may be held only after notice has been given at regular services at least one week prior to the meeting time; an affirmative vote of a simple majority of active church members is necessary for dismissal. Except in the instance of gross misconduct by the staff member removed from office, the church will compensate the staff member with not less than two weeks compensation.

E.  Non-Ministerial Staff

1. Selection

Non-ministerial staff members shall be employed as the church determines the need for their services. Service descriptions for each position shall be written and approved by the church entities involved with these services.     

2. Duties & Responsibilities

See service descriptions on file in the church handbook.

3. Termination

When the staff person chooses to submit his/her resignation, at least two weeks notice shall be given to the church. Any non-ministerial staff person may be terminated from his/her duties by the entities involved in these positions. Except in the instances of gross misconduct by the staff member removed from office, the church will compensate the staff member with not less than two weeks compensation.

F. Moderator

The Church Administrator shall be the Moderator of all church business meetings.  In the absence of the Administrator, the Chairman of the Deacons shall act as Moderator.  In the absence of both of the aforementioned, the Administrator and/or Deacon Chairman shall arrange for a Moderator in advance of the meeting.

G.   Church Clerk / Assistant Church Clerk

1. Selection  - These officers shall be elected annually by the church upon the recommendation of the church’s membership.  In the absence of the church clerk , the assistant church clerk shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the church clerk.

2. Duties & Responsibilities

  a. The church clerk shall attend all business meetings and shall record all official transactions of business meetings.

  b. The church clerk shall file a copy of the business meeting minutes with the church office for historical recording and preparation for subsequent business meetings.

  c. The church clerk shall facilitate annually the process of removing members from the church roll (see Article I, Section 3C).

3. Termination

  a. By resignation

  b. See also Bylaws, Article I, Section 6

H. Treasurer

1. Selection – The treasurer shall be elected annually by the church upon the recommendation of the church’s membership. 

2. Duties & Responsibilities – The treasurer shall work closely with the church administrator in fulfilling the following responsibilities:

  a. To reconcile monthly bank statements with the church financial records.

  b. To prepare a monthly statement of cash flows for all budgeted and designated accounts to be presented at regular business meetings.

  c. To track and report all necessary government tax filings, including W-2 forms and 1099s.

  d. To meet with and advise the Stewardship Committee. The treasurer is a non-voting ex-officio member of the Stewardship Committee.

  e. To ensure the proper monthly tax payments are made.

  f.  To assist in preparation of financial documents needed for the ongoing business of the church, i.e. loan papers.

  g.  To reconcile and audit annually all church financial records.

  h.  To educate and stay abreast as much as possible on all legal financial issues that affect church business.

3. Termination

  a. By resignation

  b. See also Bylaws, Article I, Section 6

I. Financial Secretary

1. Selection – The financial secretary shall be elected annually by the church upon the recommendation of the church’s membership.  Because of the confidential nature of this position and the ability to identify members with tithes given, it is desirable to find a member who will be able to carry out this position for several years.

2. Duties & Responsibilities – The financial secretary shall work closely with the church administrator in fulfilling the following responsibilities:

  a. To keep a confidential record of individual’s contributions to the church, including both budget and designated amounts.

  b.To annually report to each person who has given to the church over the course of the calendar year a financial statement for income tax purposes.

  c. To provide a financial statement for church members upon request.

3.     Termination

  a. By resignation

  b. See also Bylaws, Article I, Section 6

J. Trustees

1. Selection – A board of trustees shall be elected annually by the church body upon the recommendation of the church’s membership.  The number of trustees will be determined by the size and needs of the church. The chairman of the trustees will be elected each year by the board of trustees.

2. Duties & Responsibilities

  a. Execute all legal matters relating to the church, as the church directs. The trustees may delegate one trustee to execute a given legal matter.

  b. Oversee or complete anything pertaining to the maintenance of church property.

  c. Regularly inspect the church buildings and grounds for those things needing attention.

  d. Decide matters regarding property use and general space allocations in harmony with the purpose and objectives of the church.

3. Termination

  a. By resignation

  b. See also Bylaws, Article I, Section 6


Article III – Committees

A. Personnel Committee
1. Selection – A personnel committee shall be elected annually by the church body upon the recommendation of the membership of the church.  Because of the difficult nature of employment laws and the responsibility of annual reviews, it is desirable for persons on this committee to have some measure of experience in the management or supervision of people.  This committee shall have no less than three members and shall seat the chair of the Deacons and a member of the Stewardship Committee as ex officio members.

2Duties and Responsibilities – The personnel committee is responsible to supervise the employees of the church placed under its care in the following manner:

  a. Develop and evaluate service descriptions for each employee of the church under its direction.

  b. Direct the annual evaluations of service and make recommendations to the Stewardship Committee regarding adjustments in remuneration.

  c. Assist committees and/or individuals authorized by the church to hire new staff or Ministers. 

B. Stewardship Committee
1. Selection – A stewardship committee shall be elected annually by the church body upon the recommendation of the membership of the church.  The committee shall be comprised of an auditor and at least four other voting members.  The church treasurer and a representative from the church staff, a representative from deacon body, and a representative from the trustee body also shall serve as ex officio members.

2. Duties and Responsibilities – The stewardship committee shall provide the following financial services to the congregation:

  a. Manage the finances of the church in cooperation with the church treasurer and the church administrator.

  b. Prepare and recommend an annual budget for the ministries of the church not already managed by properly authorized boards.

c. Direct and manage investments and debts as directed by the church in cooperation with the church treasurer and church administrator.

C. Special Committees

1. Selection – Any special committee shall be elected by the church body upon the recommendation of the membership of the church at any regular or called business meeting.

2. Duties and Responsibilities – The responsibilities of special committees shall be clearly delineated by church action and kept in the church handbook. Each special committee shall serve under a specified term, either assigned by a date of termination or termination by completion of task(s). 

Article IV – Ministries

A. Bible Study – Because one of the functions of the New Testament church was the enthusiastic study of God’s Word (Acts 2:41-47) and the Scripture constrains the people of God to meditate on His Word (Joshua 1:8) the church is required to support and offer weekly opportunities for the study of God’s word in small group environments.
B. Missions – Because of our historic affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention and our confession as a people of the necessity for the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations (Romans 16:25), the church is required to support mission work as an act of obedience as it has opportunity (3 John 5-8).  The Southern Baptist Women’s Missionary Union, Brotherhood, International Mission Board and North American Mission Board are entities for mission education resources and avenues for giving to mission work.  While these entities do not encompass all the opportunities available to the church for the support of mission work, they do provide unique opportunities that should not be ignored.
C. A description of all active ministries of the church must be maintained in the church handbook and made available to the congregation.


Article V – Services of Worship

A. Worship Services – Because one of the basic functions of the people of God is the gathering together for the edification of the whole body through the proclamation of God’s Word (1 Timothy 4:13; Hebrews 10:24-25) the church shall maintain whenever possible a weekly schedule of services of worship adding to that schedule as God allows.
B. Business Services – Because it is often necessary to solicit the counsel of the Holy Spirit through the congregation by fasting and prayer (Acts 1:15-26; 13:1-3), the church shall hold regularly scheduled services specifically designed to conduct the business of the church.  Such schedule shall be approved by church vote and maintained in the church handbook. 
Called business meetings not regularly scheduled shall be announced at least one week prior to the date of the meeting and shall occur during a time reserved normally for a service of worship unless otherwise directed in these bylaws or unless extreme emergency demand an exception.  Extreme emergency meetings require the deacon body to call the meeting and to make a reasonable attempt to inform each member of time and place before the commencement of the meeting.   The business before the church at a called business meeting should accompany the call and should be available to the church during the one week interim whenever possible.  


Article VI – Amending the ByLaws, Church Handbook

The church shall maintain and keep an updated church handbook into which service descriptions and committee functions shall be entered as directed by these bylaws.

The church shall maintain and keep an updated church handbook into which policies and procedures not addressed in the constitution and bylaws shall be entered.

The church shall maintain and keep an updated church handbook that shall also include:

1.     Facilities use policies (including weddings, funerals and other special events)

2.     Policies adopted by any and all of the Boards or Entities affiliated with the church.

3.     Registration information for events supported by or affiliated with the church.

4.     Personnel policies necessary for the proper functioning of the church staff.

5.     Volunteer ministry policies.

6.     Emergency contact numbers, and policy information for disaster or emergency use.

7.     Preferred service providers.

8.     Other information necessary for, or pertaining to, the regular functioning of the church in any and all of its varied ministries.

It shall be the responsibility of the church staff to maintain the church handbook in coordination with the varied boards and entities that provide the necessary information.

All changes to items in the handbook designated as church policy and not minor updates or corrections shall be presented to the congregation during a regular business meeting and approved by the same.


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the Church by vote, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in writing to the church at least 30 days previously. Written notice of the proposed bylaws amendment shall be made available to the church during the 30 day period and mailed to any member requesting it.  These bylaws shall be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in favor of the amendment.