40 days of prayer
40 days of prayer
day 1 / Sunday, April 26
I AM JESUS: Let's Change the World by Elmer Towns
READING: Acts 8:1-40
Key Thought: I want you to be My exceptional follower, so I can do exceptional ministry through you.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my very witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 NLT
I AM JESUS who calls you to a life of exceptional character. The word "exceptional" means you are extraordinary, remarkable, and unexpected. Don't live the way you lived before you began following Me. REACH HIGHER, become more than you ever thought you could become. "If any person is in Me, they are a new creature..." (2 Corinthians 5:17) I want to create you to be a remarkable worshiper, so you worship the Father in spirit (HOLY SPIRIT) and truth (SCRIPTURE). I want you to become a remarkable testimony to the saved and lost. When they look at you, I want them to see ME and be drawn to salvation. I want you to grow extraordinary faith-faith to move mountains (Mark 11:22-24). I want you to believe that I exist, and that I will do remarkable ministries through you.
I am Jesus who wants you and your church to be exceptional. Then you will have EXPONENTIAL results. The word "EXPONENTIAL" means "explosion of growth according to My Great Commission." If you are exceptional in character, then I will use you in EXPONENTIAL ways. So learn, grow, worship, serve, and follow ME all the way, every day.
PRAYER: I have decided to follow You Jesus! I will be what YOU want me to be. I will go where YOU want me to go. I will do what YOU tell me to do. My commitment is for all my life, for all the days of life. Lord, in my flesh, I see my weaknesses and failures. Fill me with Your presence, give me a burden for ministry, direct me to the place You choose for me to serve. Then use me. AMEN.
day 2 / Monday, April 27
I AM JESUS-Be an Exceptional Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Mark 16:14-20, Acts 1:1-11
KEY THOUGHT: The greatness of the GREAT COMMISSION demands our total commitment and energy to complete the task.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 NLT
My church should be EXPONENTIAL in every way. The word "EXPONENTIAL" means rapid increase in all areas according to a predetermined formula. I gave the Great Commission as a predetermined strategy to deliver the gospel to all people. "The love of Christ constrains (you)...because (I) died for all." (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). Also remember I said, "The works that I do (you) shall do also, and greater works!" (John 14:12). What is greater than physical healing and turning 5 loaves and 2 fish into enough to feed 5,000? I tell you-it's winning one hell-bound sinner to salvation, or even better, winning a whole church to salvation and getting them exponentially aggressive to reach their neighborhood-then planting another church in another under/un-evangelized area.
PRAYER: Lord forgive my sinful negligence. I will get serious about sharing my faith with family and friends. Help me see their lost condition and give me a boldness to win them to salvation. Amen.
EXPONENTIAL means increased effort motivated by the Holy Spirit. The bottom line is not just a foreign missions program, or techniques, or methods. It is being PERSONALLY energized to EXPONENTIAL FASTING AND PRAYER. That will lead to EXPONENTIAL GIVING that will lead to EXPONENTIAL EVANGELISM that results in EXPONENTIAL BLESSINGS. What's another word for EXPONENTIAL?? REVIVAL!!!! Revival is MY pouring MY presence on MY people. Do you need reviving?
PRAYER: Lord, revive my spirit. I pray but need more frequency. I serve but need more fruitfulness. Drops of mercy are falling around me, but I ask for revival showers! AMEN.
for NKBA churches in Boone and Grant Counties: Beaver Lick, Belleview, Big
Bone, Bullittsburg, Burlington, Cornerstone, CrossPoint, Florence, Grace, Hebron,
Kento-Boo, Mercy Ridge, New Banklick, Petersburg, Sand Run, Union, Walton FBC, and
Woodhaven. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through
our NKBA churches.
day 3 / Tuesday, APril 28
Scripture: Acts 4:1-31
Key Thought: The
Great Commission expects great results in your church, so you and all in the
church must give
yourselves to great prayer.
“Stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power.” Luke 24:49 NLT
“Then they all
prayed…all the believers were meeting together in one place, suddenly…everyone
present was filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 1:24, 2:1, 4
I am Jesus…the church gathered for prayer-exponential prayer. Not just another group prayer meeting, but a time of confessing sin, admitting your failures, begging for spiritual power and faith to believe the Holy Spirit will come to instill with zeal and soul-winning evangelism. The early church prayed with boldness (Acts 4:29), and the room was shaken. Ultimately they were accused of “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). What does that mean? The gospel transforms people and they changed their life and family. When that is added to a whole church, a neighborhood is turned upside down. Do you believe the church can change the world? Since I indwell a person (Gal. 2:20), let Me shine through you into your family and world.
PRAY: Fill me with the Holy Spirit and revive me, so my testimony can revive my church and change my world. Amen.
I am Jesus who promised “if you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:14 NKJV). So what is on your prayer list? Are you praying for lost family members to be saved? Have you prayed for opportunities to witness to them, to get them under gospel preaching? Everything in your walk with Me begins with prayer. First, pray to know Me. Then pray to be filled with great faith; and third, pray to be an aggressive soul winner. Ask for revival in your church-then people will get saved: “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2 NKJV).
PRAYER: Lord teach me to pray with bigger faith to expect You to do more in my family and church. Teach me to pray for bigger results in evangelism. Lord, give me a bigger burden to worship and serve You in all I do. Amen.
Pray for our NKBA churches Pendleton and Bracken Counties: Brooksville and Second Twelve Mile. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches.
day 4 / WEDNESDAY, April 29
I am Jesus-Exponential Faith by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-40
Key Thought: There must be great faith by leaders and people to solve problems and work to reach the community with the gospel.
“Jesus said to them…’If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it would move. This happens only with prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:20-21 ELT
I am Jesus, the Church body (Ephesians 1:22-23). When two or three come together for prayer, I am in your midst (Matthew 18:20). Because I indwell you and all other saved people in your church, I want you to do EXPONENTIAL things for gospel outreach. Do you have obstacles? Are there mountains that stop you from going forward? Ask for faith to move mountains. You move problems first on your knees before you move them with your hands and head. Fast for God to remove obstacles and pray for God to fill you with power for exponential outreach in evangelism. I am still alive, and the Holy Spirit is still available, ask for great spiritual breakthroughs in your church’s outreach: “According to your faith let it be to you” (Matthew 9:29 NKJV)
PRAY: Lord I want You to begin a revival in my heart. I need Your blessing and power before I can touch the lives of others. Give me faith to believe You for greater things and give me the boldness to witness for You. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and use me.
I am Jesus who grows churches (Ephesians 4:16). Just as children grow when they have a proper diet and exercise, so too your church should be growing. Does it have a healthy diet of Bible teaching? Is it exercising evangelism to the lost and far from God? Everything in your Christian life begins in prayer, like the early church prayed and God increased their reach into the lost community. So let’s pray, believe, work, and evangelize.
PRAYER: Lord give me faith to obey the Great Commission. Give me a burden to pray for lost people to get saved. Give me opportunities to witness. Now give me boldness to do it. Amen.
Pray for our NKBA churches in Kenton County: Anchor, Ashland Avenue, Beechgrove, Bethesda, Garden of Hope, Cornerstone Fellowship, FBC Covington 4th St, FBC 9th St, Elsmere, Erlanger and Erlanger Iglesia, Ft. Mitchell, Grace, Hickory Grove, Iglesia Cristo La Luz Del Mundo, Kenton, Macedonia Missionary, Madison Avenue, Ludlow FBC, Living Church, Ninth Street Missionary Baptist, Oak Island, Oak Ridge, Piner, Redemption, Rosedale, South Side, West Covington, and Visalia.
day 5 / Thursday, April 30
I am Jesus-Exponential Praying by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 12:5-19
Key Thought: When believers in a church seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit and let Him control their life and ministry, the church will have exponential blessings.
“I will pour out My Spirit upon all people.” Joel 2:29 NLT
“Suddenly, there was
a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm…
it filled the
house…everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 2:2, 4 NLT
I am Jesus who poured out the Holy Spirit on 120 believers on the Day of Pentecost. It didn’t happen just because I promised to do it. It happened because they fasted and prayed and prepared to obey the Great Commission. They fasted and prayed for 50 days. That is a long time to continue praying and worshiping without seeing results. How long will you worship, and wait, and pray, to become an EXPONENTIAL church that will change the world? Remember, because they had the power of the Holy Spirit, it was said, “these that have turned the world upside down are come here also” (Acts 17:5). To get EXPONENTIAL results, you must be an exceptional follower. Go stand under the spigot, pray and wait for me to fill you.
PRAY: Lord, I want to change my world. I want to worship and pray exponentially. I want to testify and serve exponentially. I want to see exponential results in my church. Use me to begin. Amen.
I am Jesus who will make you an exceptional follower. If you let Me pour out the Holy Spirit on you, you can see EXPONENTIAL results in your prayer life, in your Bible Study, your ministry and your worship. Are you satisfied with the old life you lived before I came into your life? Begin by being filled with the Spirit. Stand, wait, pray, and believe.
PRAY: Lord, I don’t want a self-centered life like people in the world. I want to be a Christ-centered follower of YOU. I want YOU to control my life. Control my thoughts…my desires…my work…and my leisure activities. I yield to You fully. Amen.
for 10,000 new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches.
day 6 / Friday, May 1
I am Jesus-Exponential Blessings by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Galatians 5:16-25
Key Thought: I will give exponential blessings to those who put Me first in their life and seek to serve Me with their entire life.
“Those who believe…were baptized and added to the church…about 3000 in all. All believers devoted themselves to…teaching…fellowship…sharing meals…prayer…worshiped together…and met in homes for the Lord’s Supper.” Acts 2:41-42 NLT
I am Jesus who poured out EXPONENTIAL blessings on the new church. Those blessings were rapidly displayed in the church. They enjoyed My presence in their gatherings and they worshiped new and differently. They did not bring their animal sacrifices to the brazen altar. I was the lamb slain to take away sins (John 1:29). They worshiped in their homes, and the streets belonged to the church to preach, testify, and serve. They went everywhere witnessing for Me. They experienced blessings never felt in the Old Testament. I had forgiven their sins, had indwelt their life, and had given them confidence and assurance never before realized. They were ministering directly for Me, not for the priest or temple. This was the age of the church-My presence in them. This was the age of the Holy Spirit-with EXPONENTIAL BLESSINGS.
PRAY: Lord, I admit my faith is sometimes dull and uninspiring. I don’t trust You for miracles, and I don’t expect EXPONENTIAL blessings in my life. Forgive my sins, revive my spirit, and give me a new vision of how I can serve You and receive EXPONENTIAL blessings. Amen.
I am Jesus who gives EXPONENTIAL blessings to those who seek to do My perfect will for their life (Romans 12:1). I will fill those with the Holy Spirit who seek and are yielded to me (I Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians 5:18). I will pour out EXPONENTIAL blessings on those who follow Me with exceptional faith.
PRAY: Lord, I want more in my life than I now have. I want Your presence to fill me with joy so I can worship You with honesty. I want You to give me power in service so I can do EXPONENTIAL ministry for You. I wait for Your presence. Amen.
Pray for our NKBA churches in Campbell County: Bellvue FBC, Christ, Cold Spring FBC, Dayton FBC, East Dayton, Fairlane, First 12 Mile, Flagg Spring, Ft. Thomas FBC, Grant’s Lick, Highland Heights FBC, Highland Hills, HighPoint, Licking Valley, Living Church, Living Hope, Main Street, Mentor, Newport FBC, Persimmon Grove, Pleasant Ridge, and Silver Grove FBC.
Day 7 / Saturday, May 2
I am Jesus-Less Than Exponential by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Revelation 2:1-29
Key Thought: I want
every follower to be an exceptional Christian, but they are not.
I want every
church to be an exceptional church, but it isn’t.
“Write the letter…to the church in Laodicea…I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like the lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:14-16 NLT
I am the church of
all types of believers-some who have grown in their faith, others who are
carnal, even babies in Christ (I Corinthians 3:1). Therefore, not all churches
have a strong exponential outreach. Letters were written to the 7 churches
(Revelation 2-3). One left its first love of evangelism (Revelation 2:5),
another was ignorant of doctrine and fell into error (Revelation 2:12-17), and
another had members living in sin and immorality (Revelation 2:18-20). There
were other problems, so I challenged them, “repent and do the first works”
(Revelation 2:5 NKJV). Actually the spirituality of churches is reflection of
the spirituality of its members. How spiritual is your church or its members?
What must you do personally to have revival and become My exceptional
PRAY: Lord, sometimes I am blind to sin in my life (ignorant sin). Open my eyes
to see anything that is holding me back. My problem is, I don’t yield enough to
You and I don’t pursue godliness. Make me an exceptional follower so that my
church will express exceptional evangelism and growth. Amen.
I am Jesus. I indwell all believers, but not everyone is a shining testimony to the gospel light. Some have not tried to grow in their faith; others have given into temptation and sinned against Me. Sin blinds their spiritual eyes so they don’t know what they do, nor do they know how blind they are to Me.
PRAY: Lord, forgive my sin, cleanse me and make me usable. Fill me with the
Holy Spirit to serve you effectively. Make me an exceptional follower. I want
to be a member of an EXPONENTIAL church. Amen.
for 10,000 new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches.
DAY 8 / SunDAY, MAY 3
I AM JESUS-A Church Revived by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Luke 14:16-35
Key Thought: Churches that are not exponential in outreach need to be revived. I need to pour the Holy Spirit on them.
“I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.” Joel 2:28
“Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:4
I am Jesus looking for my church to be revived. And what is revival? It is God pouring His presence on His people. That occurred on the Day of Pentecost, and I can revive your church. To get revived, you and the other members of your church must wait in prayer. What do you think they were doing as they waited for Pentecost? How do you think they prayed? They confessed and begged for My presence, they interceded for their lost friends and family, they worshiped, they fasted! Wrapped up in their intercession was sacrifice. It takes sacrifice to get the full blessings of God. You must empty out self and fill your life with My presence.
PRAY: Lord, I need a revival. Motivate my heart to seek revival. I have hidden sin there (ignorant sin); cleanse me and point me to Your cross. Help me sacrifice as You did on the cross. Send revival to my church and do it through me. Amen.
I am Jesus, wanting to revive your church. Yes, I want to give you joy and blessings, but most of all, I want to evangelize LOST PEOPLE in your neighborhood. I want you to go and take the saving knowledge of my grace to them, then baptize them, disciple them, and put them into the ministry, helping you to do the work of discipling others. I want my house filled.
PRAY: Lord, forgive me for only looking at my needs and my problems. Give me eyes to see Your church and help me revive it. Use me in evangelism to reach those who are LOST AND FAR FROM GOD around me. Amen.
Airport Chaplain Ministry and Turfway Racetrack Ministry –Pray for the chaplains and volunteers at CVG, led by Cliff Wartman. Pray for Chaplain Pavel Urruchi and all the volunteers for the Turfway Ministry as they share the love of Christ at Turfway Park.
Day 9 / Monday, may 4
I am Jesus-A Spirit Filled Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 13:14-52
Key Thought: The Holy Spirit is available and wants to fill you, but it begins with your wanting Him and asking Him to fill you.
“Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18
You as a believer can be filled with the Holy Spirit. When you and others in your church are filled with the Spirit, you become an awesome tool. When Paul and Barnabas took the gospel to Antioch in Turkey, many were saved in the Jewish synagogue (Acts 12:14-52). The unbelieving Jews attacked the new Gentile believers because they were filled with envy (13:35). But “the word of the Lord was published throughout the region because the believers were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit” (Acts 13:49). When they were filled with the Holy Spirit, exponential aggressive evangelism resulted. Perhaps you or your church have not experienced evangelism because you are not Holy Spirit filled (Luke 14:23)
PRAY: Lord, I am empty; fill me with the Holy Spirit. I am not accomplishing much for Your kingdom; fill me with the Holy Spirit. I want to be an effective witness for You and I want my church to grow. Amen.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit first you must empty yourself of sin and pride. I won’t fill dirty vessels. Next, you must ask the Holy Spirit to fill your thoughts, desires and relationships. I won’t go where I am not welcome. The third step is filling your life with the Word of God. The Bible will control your thoughts, desires, and actions. The filling of the Holy Spirit and scriptures go hand in hand. You won’t get one without the other. SO, the first step begins with you.
PRAY: Lord, I want to be used in aggressive evangelism-fill me with the Spirit. I will read, memorize and meditate on Your Word; let it control my life. I ask You now, start filling me with the Holy Spirit, and don’t stop till I am filled up to the brim. AMEN.
Baptist Campus Ministry Pray for the BCM at NKU and Josh Skipper that they would meet the needs of the students there and that that students would grow in their passion for making disciples who make disciples.
day 10 / Tuesday, may 5
I AM JESUS- Sender of the Holy Spirit by Elmer Towns
Scripture: John 4:21-25, 14:15-26
Key Thought: When your Christian life becomes ordinary and habitual, you need the presence of the Holy Spirit to revive and use you.
I will send the Holy Spirit to do many things for you. He will convict (cause to see) your sin (John 16:8). He will show you biblical truth (John 14:26). He will fill you with authority to do ministry (Eph. 5:18). He will give you authority in ministry so that lost people are saved and believers grow. He will guide you in daily living (Gal. 5:22-23). He has energy to motivate you to repentance, to deepen your prayers, and to do EXPONENTIAL evangelism. Don’t try to serve the heavenly Father on your own or out of habit. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you.
PRAY: Lord, I need a fresh touch from Your presence. Lately I haven’t been productive in Your ministry. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. I yield to You and seek Your power in my life. Amen.
The Holy Spirit won’t come to exalt Himself (John 16:13). He WILL quietly exalt me in your life (Phil. 1:27) and will lead you in “Spirit worship” of the Father (John 4:23-24). He will give you authority and power in ministry (Acts 1:8). Don’t you need the Holy Spirit today to help you succeed in your ministry and Christian living? If your life has fallen into a daily routine, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you.
PRAY: Holy Spirit, come revive my vision of serving and living for the Father. Come revive my ministry for Jesus. Come, Holy Spirit, give me inner joy and confidence in all I do for you. Amen.
Church Plants –Pray for our church plants in Dry Ridge (Josh Hildebrand/Mercy Ridge), Erlanger (Cincinnati Chinese Church), Fort Mitchell (New Reality/Chris Hamilton), Florence (Joshua Kim/Good Shepherd International), Walton (Bill Page/Crosspoint), Fort Mitchell (Van Thuam Cin/Zion Chin Baptist/Burmese), Highland Heights (Isaiah Olaytoyan/African Refugee/Emmanuel Chapel), Covington (Pavel Urruchi/Iglesia Cristo La Luz del Mundo, and Ben Brown/Redemption). Pray for our partnership with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the SEND Cities of Cincinnati and New Orleans.
Day 11/ WEDNESDAY, may 6
I AM JESUS-A Spirit-motivated Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: I Corinthians 2:1-15
Key Thought: The Holy Spirit has a plan for your life. Take the initiative to find it and do it.
“God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.” I Corinthians 2:10
I am Jesus who will send the Holy Spirit into your life and into your church. When you yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him control your life-and the life of your church-you will live and serve in a new experience of happiness and effectiveness. This book is about you being an exceptional follower of Me, so the first step is to ask the Holy Spirit to fill you (Eph. 5:18) and direct your daily life and serve (Gal. 5:16, 25). Are you tired of striving for the things of outward satisfaction? Tired of trying to make a name for yourself and struggling to get ahead? Invite the Holy Spirit to control your life. Follow His lead and ask Him for power to do spiritual things you cannot do (Phil 4:13).
PRAY: Holy Spirit, come into my life to convict me of any ignorant sin (John 16:8). Forgive me and cleanse all sin (I John 1:9). Fill me with Your presence and lead me today. Amen.
When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, He not only will show you where you have gone wrong, He will show you the Father’s plan for your life. “I know the plans I have for you…they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29;11). Whey don’t you pray for the Father’s plans right now; they may have been a secret to you, but the Holy Spirit will reveal them to you.
PRAY: Holy Spirit, I fall into a routine of earning money and taking care of business. I yield to you. Come reveal Your plans for my life. I am excited about my future. Amen.
Church Health and Revitalization. Pray that there will be UNITY OF MISSION AND VISION among our 75 churches and that the PEACE of CHRIST and Word of God will help negate internal conflict so the message and hope of Christ will be a bright light in our communities. Pray that God will mobilize His people to be the healthy, multiplying followers of Jesus. Healthy churches make disciples who make disciples…
Day 12 / thursday, may 7
Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20; Joel 2:12-32
Key Thought: They key to revival is found in II Chronicles 7:14, and you can determine the period when the Holy Spirit will come.
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore (heal) their land.”
II Chronicles 7:14
MY PEOPLE will have revival when THEY FOLLOW ME. It is the formula from today’s verse. First, they must HUMBLE THEMSELVES by admitting their selfish and egotistical desires by yielding everything to Me. Next, they must PRAY just as the first church prayed for 10 days between My ascension to heaven and Pentecost. The third step for revival is to SEEK MY FACE. Remember, revival is described as pouring out My presence on My people. When the Shekinah glory cloud fell on the tabernacle, the people were revived. The fourth step is TURNING FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS. That is REPENTANCE. Quit all those activities that I disapprove of and REPENT of all known sin. That formula worked in the Old Testament and has worked in the church for 2,000 years. Are you ready for My presence to revive you and your church?
PRAY: Lord, I admit I am selfish and seek my pride rather than your glory. I
cannot revive myself; I am too sinful. Send the Holy Spirit to revive me by
visiting me daily and using me in service. Come, Holy Spirit, fill and revive
me. Amen.
Your heart is the secret of revival. The Holy Spirit is always ready to come fill My church and energize My people. The heavenly Father seeks worship (John 4:27-28), and I want to be preeminent in your life and church (Col. 1:18). We want to be revived; it is the way you will live in heaven; it will be an added blessing and happiness to your life on Earth. Make a decision to start now to seek the Holy Spirit’s presence in revival.
PRAY: Lord, I simply ask You to revive me. I will OBEY YOU, FOLLOW YOU, SERVE YOU. Fill me and use me. Amen.
Spiritual Awakening-Pray today that your church and association will take the Great Commission more seriously than ever before. Pray that our NKBA churches will baptize 10,000 new disciples over the next 10 years (#10K4NKBA)
day 13 / friday, may 8
Scripture: Acts 5:1-11; Ephesians 4:20-32
Key Thought: When the Holy Spirit comes in revival, let Him guide you in your actions and life.
“So I say let the Holy Spirit guide your lives.” Colossians 5:16
“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” Galatians 5:25
What happens when revival comes? You cannot just sit back to enjoy His presence. You must do something to keep revival going. When the Holy Spirit manifests His presence, keep living daily and do those things that brought revival. Follow His leading, go where He leads you, and do what He tells you to do. You have the Holy Spirit; now let Him work through you to testify to lost people and other believers who need revival. Do the work of ministry and let the Holy Spirit work through you. If you don't work with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work through you, you will lose revival. The Spirit comes to work mightily in your church. If you cannot do what He has come to do, you will block out revival.
PRAY: Holy Spirit, I want revival and ask You to pour Your presence on me and
my church. I will let You lead me when You come, and I will minister with You.
Send revival to my soul; I need it. Amen.
To keep revival in your life and church, you must continue doing those spiritual disciplines that brought revival in the first place. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30), which is doing sinful things in your life. Also, don’t quench the Holy Spirit (I Thessalonians 5:19). When you snuff out a light, you quench its illumination. So don’t do anything that is contrary to the holy nature of the Spirit. Don’t snuff out His light.
PRAY: Holy Spirit, come revive me and my church. I will not do anything to
grieve You, nor will I put out the light of Your testimony in my life. I will
pray as hard to keep revival as I did to originally get it. Amen.
Pray for the ministry of the New Reality Church and the Life Recovery Center, which is designed to reach those who are struggling with addictions and the families of those struggling with addictions. Pray for Chris Hamilton and Pastor Jeff Howard as they spearhead this ministry.
Day 14 / Saturday, may 9
Scripture: I Corinthians 12:1-31
Key Thought: When revival comes, the Holy Spirit is opening new doors of ministry. Find the best opportunity for your ministry and do it.
When the Holy Spirit is poured out on you in revival, it is not just for
enjoyment. The Spirit comes into the church to enhance the ministry of each
person in the church. He gives different spiritual gifts (abilities) to each
believer. But He is the same Spirit working in each person but ministering differently.
That is the beauty of one body; all the members work together for the same goal
of carrying out the Great Commission. So to keep revival going, keep doing what
you did to GET REVIVAL. But remember, the Holy Spirit revives His church to carry
out ministry for the Father. What are you and your church doing to keep revival
fires burning?
PRAY: Holy Spirit, You have given me spiritual gifts. I will use the to glorify
the Father. I will work in harmony with You to keep revival going. Thank You
for opportunities and thank You for challenges. I will not give up. Amen.
Find the proper spiritual gift(s) for you to use in ministry. First, look in the rear view mirror where you have been successful (Joshua 1:8), that might suggest where you should minister in the future. Listen to your friends and fellow workers; sometimes their counsel will help you now where to minister best (Proverbs 10:14). Also pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you into the most effective place for your ministry.
PRAY: Holy Spirit, I yield to You. Fill me for ministry. Guide me to ministry.
Then use me in ministry. Amen.
Moore Activity Center –Pray for the ministry of the MAC and Director Amy Wilhellmus in Covington, as the inner city is shown love and compassion in the name of Christ. Pray for HOPE Ministry a feeding ministry of FBC 9th Street as well as The Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Mike Rowe in Covington who oversees multiple feedings, Bible studies and services to the homeless.
DAY 15 / Sunday, MAY 10
I AM JESUS-A Witnessing Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 1:1-9, 4:1-20
Key Thought: A witness is one who testifies to others what Jesus has done for them and how He has changed their life.
“We cannot stop telling each other about everything we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20
I am Jesus, challenging you to witness to everyone about your salvation and love for Me. When I was on Earth, it was natural for Me to share My life and mission with everyone I touched. Now I live IN YOU, so I want to speak THROUGH YOU to all you meet! Tell them of forgiveness of your sins and that I have a special place for your life (Jeremiah 2:9-11). But more than that, you are part of the New Testament church. I challenged My disciples to be My witnesses beginning at their house in Jerusalem and extending to Judea, which was the surrounding area. So, you should join with your church to be my witnesses in your home area and outlying communities.
PRAY: Lord, forgive me when I have been bashful and afraid to witness for You to my friends and family. Give me courage to share my testimony with others and give me wisdom to do it effectively. Amen.
I am Jesus, the power behind your testimony. I am the One who forgave all your sins when you called on Me for salvation. Now, I am the One living in your heart (Galatians 2:2). Let My presence in your life strengthen you to speak. Remember, those first disciples said, “We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20 NLT). Just share the Good News that changed your life, and it will change the lives of others.
PRAY: Lord, thank you for the privilege of being a witness for You. I don’t
deserve this privilege, and I am not that good of a testimony, but I will tell
my friends and fellow workers what You have done for me. Use me. Amen.
DAY 16 / monDAY, MAY 11
I AM JESUS-A Church Growing by Elmer Towns
Scripture: John 15:1-7
Key Thought: The church is pictured as a farm, or field, or garden that is planted, cultivated, and harvested to feed others.
“For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field.” I Corinthians 3:9
I am Jesus the Church. In Scripture My church is pictured as a garden or a planted field, or a farm. It is a place where living seeds are planted to grow into food to eat or flowers for beauty. I produce eternal life when the seed of Scripture is planted in human hearts. In your church you see various believers in different stages of growth. Some are like newly planted seeds with growth potential. Some believers have new fruit; others have ripened fruit. But then others need pruning to get rid of dead branches that will kill, or fungus that will stunt growth: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.” John 15:5
PRAY: Lord, I want to be a healthy growing plant in Your garden. I need the water of the Word of God to grow, and the sunshine of answered prayer. I need cultivation around the roots to get life-giving air into my system. Lord, prune me where I need it. Amen.
I am the Church where you grow and bear fruit. I have life-giving energy to produce life through you. The secret to fruitfulness is your relationship with Me. Let My life flow into you to receive all the nutrients you need. I want to flow into you and through you. Growing a garden never ends; even after harvest in the fall, the field must be prepared for the next crop, next year. Your life is a garden that is life-growing.
PRAY: Lord, it’s a privilege to grow in Your garden. Produce life through me that is beautiful and nutritious. I want to accomplish everything in life that you have chosen for me to be and do. Amen.
for our NKBA churches in Kenton County: Anchor, Ashland Avenue, Beechgrove, Bethesda,
Garden of Hope, Cornerstone Fellowship, FBC Covington 4th St, FBC 9th
St, Elsmere, Erlanger and Erlanger Iglesia, Ft. Mitchell, Grace, Hickory Grove,
Iglesia Cristo La Luz Del Mundo, Kenton, Macedonia
Day 17 / Tuesday, May 12
I AM JESUS-A Church Sharing Good News by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 5:17-42
Key Thought: The early church didn’t limit their ministry to announced church times but used every available occasion and every available method to reach every available person with the Gospel.
“We gave you strict orders never again to teach in this man’s name!” he said. ‘Instead, you have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching about him.” Acts 5:28
The disciples went all over Jerusalem telling everyone about Me, Jesus. Their bold testimony got them in trouble with the authorities. They told their accusers, “We must obey God rather than any human authority” (vs. 29). That is what I want you to do; tell everyone the Good News that I died to forgive their sins. Give them a testimony of My power that has changed your life. After all, I am more important to you than anything else (Phil. 1:21), and I can do more for them than anyone else. I need you to tell them the Good News. I can’t do it; I am in heaven. Let me minister to your friends and family through your testimony and acts of kindness. After all, you may be the only gospel testimony they ever experience.
PRAY: Lord, I sometimes forget to share salvation with my friends. Forgive me. Fill me with the power that You promised (Acts 1:8), and I will tell them that my sins are forgiven, that I have been redeemed, and that I serve You! Amen.
The disciples filled
Jerusalem teaching everyone about Me. They used every opportunity to share the
gospel with everyone who would listen to them, and they did it at every
available occasion and time. Now you should think of creative ways to tell
friends and family about Me. The more often they hear about Me, the more likely
they will be converted.
PRAY: Lord, show me creative ways to share my testimony with friends and
family. Help me to use every opportunity to give my testimony of how I got
saved. Help me to reach every friend and relative with the Gospel. Help me to
use time wisely when I am with them to share the power of Your saving grace in
my life. Amen.
Pray for our NKBA churches Pendleton and Bracken Counties: Brooksville and Second Twelve Mile. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches. #10K4NKBA #Pray4NKY Remember the Airport Chaplain Ministry and Turfway Racetrack Ministry –Pray for the chaplains and volunteers at CVG, led by Cliff Wartman. Pray for Chaplain Pavel Urruchi and all the volunteers for the Turfway Ministry as they share the love of Christ at Turfway Park.
Day 18 / Wednesday, May 13
I AM JESUS- A Church Reaching Lost People by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 20:13-38
Key Thought: When Jesus gave the Great Commission, He expected His followers to be both enthusiastic and energetic in spreading it to all people.
“How I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house, testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Acts 20:20-22
Paul shared the Gospel in public gatherings and went house to house to try to win people to salvation. He was doing more than distributing Christian literature or inviting people to attend church. He was sharing the gospel by “testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (vs.21). Paul did what some modern-day churches forget-he evangelized. I am Jesus who gave the Great Commission to My followers to preach “into all the world…to every creature” (Mark 16:15). In Matthew 28:19, I also said, “Make disciples of all nations (tribes).” Therefore evangelize every person, in every part of the world, and disciple new believers of all people groups. Is your church obeying Me?
PRAY: Lord, forgive me when I had a hard heart or was unresponsive to Your
Commission. Burden my heart to pray for lost people and may I attempt to reach
them with the gospel. May I seek to win at least one person, MY ONE to
salvation. Amen.
I am Jesus who commanded you to evangelize all. You could do it several ways. You could do personal evangelism, i.e., one on one. Or you could get involved in your church’s evangelistic outreach. Then there are others Christ-honoring ministries that are reaching lost people. You could minister with them in others ways to fully support missions local and global (GLOCAL) with your time, talent, and offerings. If today’s believers were as evangelistic as the first-century church in evangelism, the Great Commission could be finished.
PRAY: Lord, I pray for churches everywhere to work hard to fulfill the Great
Commission. Forgive our failures and give us spiritual power to reach them all!
Pray for our NKBA churches in Campbell County: Bellevue FBC, Christ, Cold
Spring FBC, Dayton FBC, East Dayton, Fairlane, First 12 Mile, Flagg Spring, Ft.
Thomas FBC, Grant’s Lick, Highland Heights FBC, Highland Hills, HighPoint,
Licking Valley, Living Church, Living Hope, Main Street, Mentor, Newport FBC,
Persimmon Grove, Pleasant Ridge, and Silver Grove FBC.
DAy 19 Thursday, may 14
I AM JESUS-A Body Exercising by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16
Key Thought: Just as a physical body is built with exercise, so too the spiritual church body is built by spiritual exercise.
“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12
I am Jesus, the Church body. Did you see today’s verse that said, “Build up the church?” How do you build up the body? Exercise! Not once but by doing it many times. To build up My Church body, you need to win souls…make new disciples! Not once but many times. But exercise cannot be a little effort, not to build a physical body. You must exercise until you sweat, till you are exhausted. Have you tried to win lost people with all your heart and energy? Have you continued trying to win souls till you were exhausted? The gym instructor tells you: ‘no pain, no gain.’ So, I challenge you to “no total effort, no church growth.” One more thing about exercise; it gets harder each day, more intense each day, more difficult each day. Have you gotten to the place where it is difficult to win people to Me? If so, then you are just beginning. Keep up the hard work, the smart work, the rewarding work.
PRAY: Lord, I want my church body to grow. Sometimes I see no growth; at other
times I see little growth. But I will not stop. I will keep exercising till I
see measurable, reproducible, consistent growth. Amen.
I am Jesus, your Church body. Don’t think of Me as an organization, or budget, or program. I am working on you to build up My church. I am the Church body reaching out to capture lost people to incorporate them into My body. I cannot do it without you, and you cannot do it without Me. We are the church! Let’s go and do whatever it takes to get people who are lost and far from God into our body.
PRAY: Lord, when I am not effective, show me how to serve You. When I have little fruit, make me more effective. When I am discouraged, speak to me, motivate me, fill me. Then send me out to serve You. Amen.
for the ministry of New Reality Church/Life Recovery Center, which is
designed to help those who are struggling with addictions and the families of
those struggling with addictions. Pray for Pastor Chris Hamilton and Jeff
Howard as they spearhead this ministry.
Day 20 Friday, May 15
I AM JESUS-Adding to My Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 2:1-13, 42-47, 4:1-4
Key Thought: The early church had EXPONENTIAL growth because the believers were exceptional, obedient followers of Jesus.
I am Jesus, the Church body of Christ left on the earth when I was resurrected to ascend to heaven. There were 120 praying in the Upper Room (Acts 1:15).
After Peter preached a powerful sermon on Pentecost, “Those who believed…were baptized and added to the church” (Acts 1:41). A few weeks later Peter preached again: “The number of believers now totaled about 5,000 (Acts 4:4). These were the heads of families, so about 20,000 were in the church. Next, “believers rapidly multiplied” (Acts 6:1). Then believers grew EXPONENTIALLY: “Believers greatly increased” (Acts 6:7). When the numbers of churches grew exponentially, that explosion was super-aggressive growth. Pray for that increase in your church.
PRAY: Lord, thank you for my salvation and for those who have found salvation in my church. I want to see EXPONENTIAL growth in my church: “increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). You are the God who caused the first church to grow; DO IT AGAIN! Amen.
But the church in Jerusalem had more than numbers. It was growing internally and spiritually. They were LEARNING THE WORD DAILY (Acts 1:42, 5:42). They continued PRAYING (Acts 1:42, 5:31), they GAVE SACRIFICIALLY (Acts 1:44, 11:29), and God gave them EXPONENTIAL blessings (Acts 1:42-47). Because they followed Me fully, they became exceptional Christians who built an EXPONENTIAL church. If you and all the others in your church grew mightily, so would your church.
PRAY: Lord, I pray to be an exceptional, obedient believers so that my church will grow EXPONENTIALLY. Amen.
Church Plants –Pray for the NEW church plants in Dry Ridge (Josh Hildebrand/Mercy Ridge), Erlanger (Cincinnati Chinese Church), Fort Mitchell (New Reality/Chris Hamilton), Florence (Joshua Kim/Good Shepherd International), Walton (Bill Page/Crosspoint), Fort Mitchell (Van Thuam Cin/Zion Chin Baptist/Burmese), Highland Heights (Isaiah Olaytoyan/African Refugee/Emmanuel Chapel), and Covington (Pavel Urruchi/Iglesia Cristo La Luz del Mundo and Ben Brown/Redemption).
Day 21 Saturday, may 16
I AM JESUS- Continuous Witnessing by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 5:29-42, 11:19-21
Key Thought: It is imperative for every follower to witness to everyone they know how to reach and change the world.
“The high priest confronted them (the church)…you have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching.” Acts 5:28
“And every day, in the temple, and from house to house, they continued to preach and teach…Jesus is Messiah.” Acts 5:42
I am a church that continually witnesses the message of salvation. I tell every person from young to old, from rich to poor, and from Jew to Gentile. But more than that, I want to witness all the time in every place. Why do my followers witness continuously? Because I said, “I am the way, the Truth, the Life, no one can come to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). I am the only One who can save all people. And I love all people (John 3:16). So, witness to them My love. Not only that, invite them into My body-the church-the greatest privilege in the world, with the greatest benefits and blessings. Since you are My followers, you must witness about Me to all.
PRAY: Lord, thank you for saving me and transforming me with the gospel message. Forgive me for not witnessing to others. Give me an inner compulsion to witness to my lost friends and family. Amen.
My command is one more reason to witness to all people, at all times, using all methods: “You shall be witnesses to Me” (Acts 1:8). When you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes into your life. Now let Him use you to witness about Me in your home area to win your Jerusalem. Then witness in the surrounding areas, next the “large” state(s) and finally use all your witnessing influence to change the world.
PRAY: Lord, I will obey and begin witnessing to family and friends today. Amen.
Pray for Spiritual Awakening-Pray today that your church and association will take the Great Commission more seriously than ever before. Pray that our NKBA churches will baptize 10,000 new disciples over the next 10 years (#10K4NKBA)
Day 22 Sunday, May 17
Scripture: Acts 2:42-46; 4:4-24, 8:4-8
Key Thought: The Gospel is the only message that saves people from hell. The Great Commission is the ONLY method to preach the Gospel to everyone to change the world.
“Daily in the temple and house to house, they ceased not to teach and preach.” Acts 5:42
“The church leaders said, ‘We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” Acts 6:4
I am the early church that continually gave itself to the Word of God. The leaders gave themselves to teaching, and new converts gave themselves to learning. The new church was grounded on Scripture and teaching. As a result, the individuals followed Me. And that is why the Christians experienced EXPONENTIAL GROWTH. My Word is ALIVE (John 6:63) and it is powerful (Hebrews 4:12). When you properly teach the Word of God, you are preparing for explosive growth. Why? Because super-aggressive teaching of Scripture leads to exponential growth.
PRAY: Lord, I want my church to experience exponential growth. I will learn the Word of God for myself and I will teach it super-aggressively. Then, Lord, I ask You to grow the church, and change the world. Amen.
I am Jesus, who will
bless the church with EXPONENTIAL GROWTH and when the foundation is laid with
solid Bible teaching. Then you must follow with aggressive faith, aggressive
witnessing, and aggressive outreach of the Gospel. Do you want to change the
world? There is a predetermined formula that works!
PRAY: Lord, I pray for my church to change the world! But first, Lord, change
me. Make me a super-aggressive witness. Then, Lord, help me to motivate people
in my church to a greater vision. Then, Lord, help us change our world. Then
perhaps we can change the rest of the world.
Pray for our NKBA churches in Kenton County: Anchor, Ashland Avenue, Beechgrove, Bethesda, Garden of Hope, Cornerstone Fellowship, FBC Covington 4th St, FBC 9th St, Elsmere, Erlanger and Erlanger Iglesia, Ft. Mitchell, Grace, Hickory Grove, Iglesia Cristo La Luz Del Mundo, Kenton, Macedonia Missionary, Madison Avenue, Ludlow FBC, Living Church, Ninth Street Missionary Baptist, Oak Island, Oak Ridge, Piner, Redemption, Rosedale, South Side, West Covington, and Visalia.
Day 23 Monday, May 18
I AM JESUS-Teaching New Followers by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Matthew 13:1-23
Key Thought: Scripture is filled with commands and illustrations of teaching. You can’t build a church on teaching; you build it on evangelism. You can’t build a church without teaching.
“Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” Matthew 28:20
“Those…added to the church…devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching.” Acts 2:41-42
I am Jesus, teaching new believers. Did you see two things in today’s verses? FIRST, I commanded the church to teach new disciples all my commands. SECOND, the church got people saved then they taught them. Early exponential growth was based on teaching new converts My commands. Is your church doing that today? When hundreds in a neighborhood become new followers, teach them what to believe and train them how to live for Me. Do that and you will change a neighborhood. How can you change the world? Get people saved, then teach them what to believe and how to live for Me. Then reproduce that result in another new church.
PRAY: Lord, forgive me for not studying Your Word more and knowing You better. Help me to learn great truths about You I don’t know. Send the Holy Spirit to teach me (John 14:16) and help me remember (John 14:26). Help me to be a learning, growing, useful follower of Yours. Amen.
I am the Church, and in Me all types of teaching go on. Babies are being taught; older people are being taught. People are being taught how to serve, how to lead, and how to be better parents and examples to people who are lost and far from God. All kinds of people are teaching their children. And teaching is going on in Sunday School classes, small groups for all ages, and all needs, and all different subjects. I want My church to be a teaching church.
PRAY: Lord, thank You for my parents, who taught me many things. I will teach my family and children. Thank you for all types of teachers in my church. Help me learn, grow, and serve You better. I will teach. Amen.
Pray for our NKBA churches Pendleton and Bracken Counties: Brooksville and Second Twelve Mile. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches. #10K4NKBA #Pray4NKY
Day 24 Tuesday, may 19
I AM JESUS-A Teaching Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: John 14:16-26, Acts 8:26-39
Key Thought: Great teachers guide the learning experience of students, but the Holy Spirit must guide both teacher and student.
“But the comforter, the Holy Spirit…He will teach you all things.” John 14:26
“When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth.”
John 16:13
The One who guides your understanding in My church is the Holy Spirit. Did you see one of His names is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH? He will guide you into truth. Guiding is what a teacher does. Teaching is not just telling a lesson. A teacher guides the learning activities; and that learning can change the life of the student. The teacher hasn’t taught until the student has learned. It is the Holy Spirit in the heart of the teacher who guides the learning process.
PRAY: Lord, thank you for all I have learned. I don’t know all. I want to learn
even more of Your Word and more about You. I want to teach others what I am
learning; give me a classroom of one or many. Use me to teach.
When Philip witnessed to the Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot, he asked, “Do you
understand what you read?” He was reading Isaiah. The Ethiopian answered, “How
can I, unless someone instructs me? (Acts 8:31)” Both the Holy Spirit and human
teachers are needed to guide people to understand the Word of God.
PRAY: Holy Spirit, I cannot teach, but You can do it through me. I cannot
change the life of another; but Holy Spirit, You can do it through me. Come
Holy Spirit, fill my life. Use my teaching. I want to change the life of
another to be like Jesus. Amen.
Pray for NKBA churches in Boone and Grant Counties: Beaver Lick, Belleview, Big Bone, Bullittsburg, Burlington, Cornerstone, CrossPoint, Florence, Grace, Hebron, Kento-Boo, Mercy Ridge, New Banklick, Petersburg, Sand Run, Union, Walton FBC, and Woodhaven. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches. #10K4NKBA #PrayForNKY
for the ministry of the NEW Reality Church/Life Recovery Center , which
is designed to assist our churches and communities to help those who are
struggling with addictions and the families of those struggling with
addictions. Pray for Chris Hamilton and Jeff Howard as they spearhead this
day 25 wednesday, may 20
I AM JESUS-Prepare and Teach by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Joshua 1:6-9, Psalms 1:1-6; 119:9-16
Key Thought: My church shall be a place of teaching-learning, because neither are effective till both are operative.
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
“Continue in the things you have learned.” II Timothy 3:14
“Meditate of these things.” I Timothy 4:15
I am the church with human teachers and learners. Before you can teach, you must learn the lessons you would teach. The church is primarily a place of evangelism, and second, a place of education. Those who know the most Christian doctrine should teach the most. Those who know best how to live for Christ teach best. And those who know Christ intimately teach and change the lives of others. What do you know most and best about your Christian faith? How much of it have you taught? Those who know best teach others who have learned.
PRAY: Lord, forgive me for being lazy and not learning more about my faith and knowing you better. Teach me those things I don’t know. Show me where I am ignorant, so I can learn and grow and have intimate fellowship with you (Philippians 3:10-14) Amen.
I am a church on a teaching mission. You will never know it all, and you will never know enough. You were born in this world with a blank slate mind. How much you learn will determine how much you will grow. And how practically you learn the Christian life will determine how effective you will live for Me.
PRAY: Lord, I will read Your Word, repeatedly. I will study Your Word, dividing truth into small sections to learn. I will memorize Your Word, hiding in my heart (Psalms 119:11). Then I will mediate on Your Word, so its life principles control my life (Joshua 1:8, Psalms 1:5). Amen.
Pray for the Airport Chaplain Ministry and Turfway Racetrack Ministry –Pray for the chaplains and volunteers at CVG, led by Cliff Wartman. Pray for Chaplain Pavel Urruchi and all the volunteers for the Turfway Ministry as they share the love of Christ at Turfway Park. Pray for our NKBA churches in Campbell County: Bellevue FBC, Christ, Cold Spring FBC, Dayton FBC, East Dayton, Fairlane, First 12 Mile, Flagg Spring, Ft. Thomas FBC, Grant’s Lick, Highland Heights FBC, Highland Hills, HighPoint, Licking Valley, Living Church, Living Hope, Main Street, Mentor, Newport FBC, Persimmon Grove, Pleasant Ridge, and Silver Grove FBC.
Day 26 Thursday, may 21
I AM JESUS-A Reproducing Church by Elmer Towns
Scripture: John 1:35-42; Acts 2:5-12, 41-47
Key Thought: The secret to successful teaching is when your students can share what they have learned with someone else and then they pass it on.
“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” II Timothy 2:2
I am a church that will die if the children of new converts are not taught church beliefs and practices as I taught you. In today’s scripture, Paul taught young Timothy the principle of reproduction. Paul was the first-generation passing Christianity on to the second generation. But it doesn’t stop there. Timothy must then teach everything he learned to the third generation, called “trustworthy people.” This means they were worthy of the trust Timothy had in them. Then the third generation must reach the FOURTH generation. They are called “others.” What Paul taught was not properly learned until it influenced the third generation. How do we know Timothy did as good a job as Paul? Because the third generation passed the lesson on to the fourth generation. Is your church teaching its children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren?
PRAY: Lord, I have failed in many ways. But I don’t want to fail as a teacher.
Help me to teach Your doctrine and the Christian life to my children, then my
grandchildren and ultimately my great-grandchildren. Amen.
Let’s see how this works. I taught Andrew in his first day of ministry (John 1:38-40). Then Andrew brought his brother Peter (second generation) to be a follower of mine (John 1:41-42). Then Peter preached on Pentecost and over 300 got saved. They could be described as the third generation Then, they went back to their homes and spread the gospel, i.e., a fourth generation of Jesus followers.
PRAY: Lord, I want fruit in my life. May You use me to help someone to
salvation. Then may I teach them what to believe and how to live, so they can
teach someone else. Lord, multiply in my life. Pray for the NEW church plants
in Dry Ridge (Josh Hildebrand/Mercy Ridge), Erlanger (Chinese), Fort Mitchell
(New Reality/Chris Hamilton), Florence (Joshua Kim/Good Shepherd
International), Walton (Bill Page/Crosspoint), Fort Mitchell (Van Thuam
Cin/Zion Chin Baptist/Burmese), Highland Heights (Isaiah Olaytoyan/African
Refugee), and Covington (Pavel Urruchi/Iglesia Cristo La Luz del Mundo and Ben
day 27 Friday, may 22
I AM JESUS-A Teaching Church for the Young by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Mark 10:13-16, Acts 16:1-5
Key Thought: Everything you know about Christianity will be lost to the church when you die, so teach the young so that they can replace you and they can teach the next generation.
“And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands…repeat them again and again to your children…when you are at home…on the road…going to bed and…getting up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7
“Timothy…your genuine faith…first filled your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice.” II Timothy 1:5
I want my church diligently teaching all children. Timothy was an early church leader who was first taught by his grandmother, then his mother. Paul reminded him, “You have been taught the Holy Scriptures from childhood” (II Timothy 3:15). That is the example for all churches today. When this standard is reached, then growing exponential churches can change the world by producing and reproducing believers. Satan wants to capture everyone in My church, and he will start with those most vulnerable-the children. Protect your children; teach them about Me. Guarantee your church’s future; teach the children.
PRAY: Lord, forgive me where I have been slack teaching children. They are so
young and have great futures before them. Help me reach children with
salvation, and then teach them the Scriptures. I want a strong leader like
timothy to come out of my church. So, I will pray and teach. Amen.
A child is born with a blank slate. They must learn to talk, walk and feed themselves. They must be taught to read, write and communicate. Make sure they learn basic Christianity, how to follow Me. Then they must learn basic beliefs, knowledge about God, sin, salvation and Christian service. The more they learn, the stronger Christians they will become. The better they are trained, the more they can do for Me and the church. I love churches that teach the young.
PRAY: Lord, it’s clear You have commanded us to teach the children. Forgive me and forgive my church when we have failed. I want to teach children and I want my children to be strong future leaders for You. Amen.
Pray for Spiritual Awakening-Pray today that your church and association will take the Great Commission more seriously than ever before. Pray that our NKBA churches will baptize 10,000 new disciples over the next 10 years (#10K4NKBA)
Day 28 Saturday, may 23
I AM JESUS-Teaching Scriptures by Elmer Towns
Scripture: II Timothy 3:10-17, John 1:1-18
Key Thought: Teach the Bible to produce many changes in many different types of people.
“But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught…the Holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive salvation…all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.” II Timothy 3:14-16
The church teaches Scriptures not just to know them but to lead you to salvation. Timothy was saved because the Bible had been taught to him as a child. The Bible is the most important lesson for a child to learn in church. The Bible will convict you of wrongdoing (II Timothy 3:16), so you will get saved. The Bible has My life in it (John 6:63); it will give you eternal life. The Bible will help you find a plan and purpose for your life. The Bible will give you assurances of your salvation (I John 5:13) and take away doubt and fear. The Bible will help you find My presence in prayer. Don’t you need to ask Me something? (John 15:7)
PRAY: Lord, I will study Your Scriptures for confidence and direction. Guide me with Your Word (Ps. 119:105). I want to hide Your Word in my heart to keep from sinning against You (Psalms 119:11). Amen.
I am the Word of God incarnate (John 1:1, 14). I teach My Word in My church to
transform sinners into children of God and to make babes in Christ grow to
maturity (Hebrews 5:11-14). I teach My Word that grows workmen into powerful
pulpit preachers. My Word will make silly girls into godly women intercessors.
Let’s teach My Word!
PRAY: Lord, help me to take every opportunity to teach Your Word. Help me to
teach all people-new believers and wise people-Your Word. I love Your Word; it
has changed my life. Use me to teach others to also change them. Amen.
Moore Activity Center –Pray for the ministry of the MAC and Director Amy Wilhellmus in Covington, as the inner city is shown love and compassion in the name of Christ. Pray for HOPE a feeding ministry of FBC 9th Street (Mondays at Noon) as well as The Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Mike Rowe in Covington who oversees multiple feedings, Bible studies and services to the homeless in the inner city of Covington.
day 29 sunday, may 24
I AM JESUS-A Church Ministering by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 11:19-30, 6:1-7
Key Thought: All humans ought to be compassionate and helpful to those around them, but the followers of Jesus must give first, give most, and give the Gospel.
“A great famine…so the believers in Antioch decided to send relief…everyone giving as much as they could.” Acts 11:-28-29
When a church is ministering to the poor, needy, and helpless, that is ME showing My love through My church. It may be the hands of men and women in the church, but it is My hands. My church should never allow people to starve; it should give to demonstrate My love. Then they will listen to the Gospel that will save them. You must think both physical and spiritual needs. You cannot minister one without the other. Look at My example while on Earth. I ministered to people whether or not they were My followers. And many began following Me because of “love in action.”
PRAY: Lord, I confess to being stingy sometimes. Forgive me. Help me look at people through your eyes. Help me look beyond a physical problem into their heart. Then help me to communicate Your Gospel to people. Healing the physical body is love in action, but healing a lost soul is eternal. Amen.
No church can do all things to help all people at all times. But begin at home, minister to those in your family then those in your neighborhood. But remember it is not giving money, or food, or physical healing. It is about your relationship to Me. Let My compassion flow through you. Then it is about your relationships to your family and church. You cannot neglect them. Then look beyond your church limits; look for avenues to help, heal, and offer eternal salvation.
PRAY: Lord, I want to minister for You. Show me how, where, and when. Here am I, use me. Amen. Pray for our NKBA churches in Pendleton and Bracken Counties: Brooksville and Second Twelve Mile. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches. #10K4NKBA #Pray4NKY
Day 30 monday, may 25
I AM JESUS- A Church of Ministers by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Luke 6:27-38, Romans 12: 17-21
Key Thought: Minister to the physical needs of those who are NOT my followers, even those who persecute My followers.
“Determined to send relief…by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.” Acts 11:29-30
“But the Word of God grew and multiplied…they returned…when they had fulfilled their ministry.” Acts 12:24-25
My church prospers when ministry is properly done. In today’s verses, the church at Antioch sent money and supplies to Jerusalem because of a famine. But the money didn’t just feed hungry people. There was spiritual ministry with their money. “The Word of God grew and multiplied.” Acts 12:24). That means two things. First, the influence of Scripture spread over the area. Next, people responded to the God of the Bible by preaching of those who fed them; some were saved, and the church grew. Second, it meant the church was growing in understanding and use of the Word.
PRAY: Lord, thank you for the opportunity of ministering both to the physical and spiritual needs of others. I will not do one without the other, I will do both at the same time. Give me a heart for needy people, both physical and spiritual. Amen.
In today’s passage, Barnabas and Saul left Antioch to travel a long distance to minister to the physical needs of Jerusalem. That is the city that crucified Me and persecuted My church. Why go there? Remember I said, “Repay no one evil for evil…if your enemy is hungry feed him” (Romans 12:17, 20). Give help, give the Gospel, and give yourself to prayer and for them. Remember, I forgave those who crucified Me. “Father forgive them” (Luke 23:34). Learn to minister in many ways.
PRAY: Lord, I want to give to others just as others gave to me. But I want to
do more to minister to others than they ministered to me. I want to minister as
You ministered. Amen.
Moore Activity Center –Pray for the ministry of the MAC and Director Amy Wilhellmus in Covington, as the inner city is shown love and compassion in the name of Christ. Pray for HOPE a feeding ministry of FBC 9th Street (Mondays at Noon) as well as The Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Mike Rowe in Covington who oversees multiple feedings, Bible studies and services to the homeless in the inner city of Covington.
day 31 tuesday, may 26
I AM JESUS-Exponential Ministry by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 20:16-37
Key Thought: Another word for EXPONENTIAL is Saturation. It is giving all types of ministry and all your energy, all the time to do as much as you can do.
“You have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching about Him.” Acts 5:28
“Publicly from house to house…” Acts 20:20
Did you see the pattern in the early church? They were saturating their city with My teaching. Exponential ministry is serving people at every available time, with every available means or methods, to reach everyone available. That means start early, minister all day, and finish late. It means using more than one area of service, going to more than just one group of people. This is a picture of revival because they served in the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, it is a picture of EXPONENTIAL ministry. When your church is unselfish, you are a testimony to Me and the way I do ministry.
PRAY: “Lord, move me out of my comfort zone. My selfishness keeps me from
helping a lot of people. Lord give me “Jesus eyes” to see the millions as You
see them. Give me “Jesus hands” to serve as You ministered. Amen.
When you are saturating your neighborhood with ministry, you are giving EXPONENTIAL ministry. Not only are you sacrificing your time and giving resources, you are identifying with Me. Remember, I serve sacrificially, which means My example will motivate you to ministry. One way to judge if your ministry is EXPONENTIAL, look at your hands: do you have anything left? Also, look at your feet: have you gone everywhere to minister? Look into your heart: do you have any compassion that you have withheld? Then I will say, “Well done good and faithful servant. I will have much reward for you in heaven.” Matthew 25:21
PRAY: Lord, use my hands to help the needy. Use my feet to take me to those who
need help. Fill my heart with gratitude to You. Amen.
Pray for our NKBA churches in Kenton County: Anchor, Ashland Avenue, Beechgrove, Bethesda, Garden of Hope, Cornerstone Fellowship, FBC Covington 4th St, FBC 9th St, Elsmere, Erlanger and Erlanger Iglesia, Ft. Mitchell, Grace, Hickory Grove, Iglesia Cristo La Luz Del Mundo, Kenton, Macedonia Missionary, Madison Avenue, Ludlow FBC, Living Church, Ninth Street Missionary Baptist, Oak Island, Oak Ridge, Piner, Redemption, Rosedale, South Side, West Covington, and Visalia.
Day 32 wednesday, may 27
I AM JESUS-Your Example in Ministry by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Mark 9:33-41; Acts 5:1-16
Key Thought: Your example in ministry is Jesus who ministered in many ways, at many times, doing many types of humanitarian service to take the Gospel to those in need.
“People were brought out into the streets on beds and mats…crowds came from…around Jerusalem bringing their sick…all were healed.” Acts 5:15-16
I am Jesus who serves
others through your hands and your sacrificial service. There was EXPONENTIAL
ministry because “More and more people believed and were brought to the Lord”
(Acts 5:14). When you and your church give more than expectedly by the crowd,
expect EXPONENTIAL results: “Believers were added to the Lord” (Acts 5:14).
Isn’t that what you desire and pray for and minister for? If your church
doesn’t have many lost people coming to get saved, then you and other church
members must go out to where they are located. Do what? Give a “cup of water to
drink in My name” (Mark 9:41). The secret of EXPONENTIAL ministry is not what
you can do, but what you can give. What will you give?
PRAY: Lord, I bring my selfish heart to You. Heal it and transform it. Give me
Your heart for ministry and I will follow Your example of serving in Your name.
Make your assembly a serving church to needs, no matter who and where and when. You cannot help everyone, but you can have a heart for all. DO FOR ONE WHAT YOU WOULD DO FOR THE MANY. Start there! If you-and all others in your church begin serving other people. You will be amazed what multiple hands can do, and how much they can accomplish. And you will be amazed at the multiple times you are ministering.
PRAY: Lord, the problem with humble service is not location or ability to serve. The issue is my inner desire. I am selfish by nature. Forgive me and lead me to a task I can do for You. Amen.
Pray for the NEW church plants in Dry Ridge (Josh Hildebrand/Mercy Ridge), Erlanger (Chinese), Fort Mitchell (New Reality/Chris Hamilton), Florence (Joshua Kim/Good Shepherd International), Walton (Bill Page/Crosspoint), Fort Mitchell (Van Thuam Cin/Zion Chin Baptist/Burmese), Highland Heights (Isaiah Olaytoyan/African Refugee/Emmanuel Chapel), and Covington (Pavel Urruchi/Iglesia Cristo La Luz del Mundo and Ben Brown/Redemption).
day 33 thursday, may 28
I AM JESUS-Serving People by Elmer Towns
Scripture: John 13:1-10
Key Thought: You must follow Jesus’ example of serving when your example will help others, just as Jesus gave an example.
“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” Mark 10:43
I came to serve people; follow my example. Serve other believers and serve those who are lost. Why? First, because the nature of love is giving, and I gave all for people. I serve because I love them, both My followers and those who do not follow Me. Ask the Fathers to give you a divine love. Second, serving is My nature. Notice how Paul described Me: “Though He was God…He gave up His divine privileges; He took the humble position of a slave” (Philippians 2:6-7). Ask the Father to give you a serving heart. But there is a third reason: because others are in need. The world is full of needy people. By ministering you open them up to salvation, and you actually alleviate their pain. They need you.
PRAY: Lord, I want to minister to other people as You did. But serving is not always natural. I want my way and I want my needs satisfied, and I want it on my time. Forgive me, cleanse me, and change me. Serve me so I can serve others. Amen.
At the Last Supper, “I got up…took off My robe…poured water into a basic…and
began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:4-5). Remember, they had just been
arguing over who was the greatest. When I asked you to follow Me, I invited
you, “Deny yourself, and take up your cross daily” (Luke 9:23). My example
should motivate you to EXPONENTIAL serving. That is going beyond what a human
could do; it’s divine motivation.
PRAY: Lord, I will follow Your example. I will serve others. Even when I don’t want to, that is the time I will do it. Even when I think the task is too demeaning, I will do it just as You did. Amen.
Pray for the Airport Chaplain Ministry and Turfway Racetrack Ministry –Pray for the chaplains and volunteers at CVG, led by Cliff Wartman and Pavel Urruchi and all the volunteers for the Turfway Ministry. Pray for our NKBA churches in Campbell County: Bellevue FBC, Christ, Cold Spring FBC, Dayton FBC, East Dayton, Fairlane, 1st 12 Mile, Flagg Spring, Ft. Thomas FBC, Grant’s Lick, Highland Heights FBC, Highland Hills, HighPoint, Licking Valley, Living Church, Living Hope, Main Street, Mentor, Newport FBC, Persimmon Grove, Pleasant Ridge, and Silver Grove FBC.
Day 34 friday, may 29
I AM JESUS-A Whole Healthy Ministering Body- Elmer Towns
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16; I Corinthians 12:1-31
Key Thought: Jesus wants all in His body to serve as best as possible so they will grow peacefully and the body will grow completely.
“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:16
I live in you and all other members of your local church so that My body is healthy, growing and possesses the divine attributes of love. Look at the phrase “helps the other parts grow.” Have you ever thought that your growth in ministry will help others in your church grow? Sometimes you will have a direct ministry to them, such as teaching, counseling, or actually serving them. At other times you will work alongside them, so they are motivated by your example. At other times, you may not touch their lives directly; they may not even know you; but as you make the body stronger, they benefit. When the water level is raised in a lake, all the boats on the lake go up. Ask God to make your ministry helpful to others.
PRAY: Lord, I love to serve You in ministry. You are my primary motivation. But
I also love my church and its people. Help me minister effectively to
individuals and to the whole church. I want my spiritual gifts used, and I want
Your body to grow. Amen.
You serve in ministry because you are motivated by your spiritual gifts. These
gifts make you effective in ministry. But also, My love will move you to
action. Then there are many other motivations for serving Me. Remember, serving
is not the main thing, nor are results the main motivation. It is your
relationship with Me. You minister because “I am in you and you are in Me”
(John 14:20). When you strengthen your relationship with Me, your ministry will
grow and be strengthened.
PRAY: Lord, I serve others because of You. Use my ministry to help others serve
You better. Amen.
Pray for NKBA churches in Boone and Grant Counties: Beaver Lick, Belleview, Big Bone, Bullittsburg, Burlington, Cornerstone, CrossPoint, Florence, Grace, Hebron, Kento-Boo, Mercy Ridge, New Banklick, Petersburg, Sand Run, Union, Walton FBC, and Woodhaven. Pray for 10,000 baptisms/new disciples in the next ten years through our NKBA churches. #10K4NKBA #Pray4NKY
day 35 saturday, may 30
I AM JESUS-Using Every Available Person by Elmer Towns
Scripture: Acts 9:20-31; Ephesians 4:1-16
“Then the church…became stronger as the believers…with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit…grew in numbers.” Acts 9:31
There are three principles in today’s verse that should encourage you and all the other followers of Me in your local church. First, all believers from all churches were encouraged in their ministry by the Holy Spirit. Not just the pastor and apostles, but “believers.” So pray that you and all others in your church will have a fruitful ministry. Second, it took all-leaders and followers-to strengthen a church. If members in your church are not involved in ministry, then those weak links weaken the entire church. Third, new believers were saved and added to the church, and at the same time, new churches were being planted and the Great Commission was being fulfilled.
PRAY: Lord, I don’t want to be a weak link in the chain of ministry in my
church. Show me what to do and what more I can do in my present ministry. Then
use me in ministry and use my example to encourage others. Amen.
My goal for your church is to INVOLVE EVERY MEMBER, each doing their ministry to serve every need at all places at all times. When that happens, your church will grow, and each member will grow in Christ. Then EXPONENTIAL ministry will produce EXPONENTIAL GROWTH!
PRAY: Lord, I pray to grow to maturity as I serve in ministry for You. I also pray that my church would grow to involve more in ministry, and may my church grow in strength and outreach. Amen.
Pray for the ministry of the NEW REALITY CHURCH/Life Recovery Center at the NKBA, which is designed to help those who are struggling with addictions and the families of those struggling with addictions. Pray for Chris Hamilton and Jeff Howard as they spearhead this ministry. Pray for Spiritual Awakening-Pray that your church and association will take the Great Commission more seriously than ever before. Pray that our NKBA churches will baptize 10,000 new disciples over the next 10 years (#10K4NKBA)
day 36 sunday, ma
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Day 37 tuesday, june 2
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